Killers by Type


What Does a Serial Killer Look Like?

A Series


Part 1

What is a serial killer? What does one look like? How does a person become a serial killer? Are there any in my town? How would I know that someone is a serial killer? How should I protect myself? Anybody who is familiar with the likes of Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez (a.k.a. The Night Stalker), Aileen Wournous, or any serial killer who has become infamous through the media, has asked themselves those questions. If they haven’t, they should. Something as terrifying as a “serial killer” can look entirely different once you familiarize yourself with the facts. That is what I hope to do in this series. I hope to answer all of those questions as I begin to show you…What A Serial Killer Looks Like.


A Serial Killer Is…The FBI defines a serial killer as a person, or persons as they have worked in pairs etc., who has killed at least 2 people, in separate incidents, with a period of time in between murders. The amount of time between killings, also described as a “cooing-off” period, is what separates mass murderers and spree killers from serial killers. The number of victims killed has changed from 3 or more murders to 2. This was done so that resources needed in an investigation could be called upon more quickly if it is suspected a serial killer is at work.


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